Firebot is a fantastic bot that has a robust set of features and it is constantly being updated. It is also developed and maintained by one of Mixers own partners! I'm now using Firebot and Mixer's Dev Lab interactive board for all my sounds and graphics. I also have a few custom commands setup via Firebot. I still use Scorpbot to handle my channel currency, hours, giveaways, chat games, most of my commands. I lfeel like some of the advantages Firebot has over Scorpbot are:

  • A more user friendly interface
  • Custom user grouping features
  • Direct connectivity with Mixer's built in Dev Lab.
  • lots and lots of transitions for your graphics

Firebot does require some additional steps to get linked up with your Mixer page, so make sure to start with that guide!



Firebot Mixer

Linking Firebot With Your Mixer Channel

Lets get Firebot all linked up with Mixer and allow all the required privileges to allow proper functionality.  The first ...

Firebot to OBS

Adding Firebot As An Overlay in OBS

In order for your Firebot images or video files to show up on your live stream, you need to link ...

Firebot Mixer buttons Title

Creating Interactive Buttons For Firebot

Let the fun begin! Now that the hard part is over and you've linked your Firebot and Mixer accounts, you've ...

Firebot Fx Title

Customizing Firebot Buttons: Adding Effects

If you've followed all the other Firebot guides up until this point, you should be ready to go with adding ...





Scorpbot Alerts Title

Scorpbot Alerts And Activity History Overlays

Scorpbot Alerts Title


After you've got your web cam, mic, capture card settings down in OBS, you will be up and running with vanilla OBS streaming. This is an important first step because it will allow you to run some tests to ensure you have the best quality steam that you can mix together.

Take the time to tweak and perfect your basic setup and take advantage of the record button to monitor what your stream output will be, every time. I do a couple quick video recordings before I hit that stream button. Having a good audio mix and synced game and cam video/sound is critical to keeping an audience around.
Once you are good with your vanilla OBS, I would jump to Streamlabs to get your alerts overlay setup. I really like the flavor these alerts add to a stream therefore this was my first customization I worked on before and soundboard sounds or graphics.

You can also use built in alerts in Scorpbot. Set these up by following these steps:



Now that you have a SFX in Scorpbot, you can take this a step further via the built in functionality and apply this to an Alert.

  1. Head over to the 'Settings' tab.
  2. The SFX column can now be populated with your newly created sound via the drop down menu. If you create additional SFX,they will show up here as well. The same can be down with graphics. Make sure to head over to that tutorial page to get them setup first.

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding An Interactive Board [Scorpbot]

Scorpbot Alerts Title


SCORPBOT SFX VIA INTERACTIVE BOARD An interactive board can be a way to keep viewers occupied and give them more opportunities to interact with you as you stream. Sparks cost and cooldowns can be adjusted for each button so you can customize things to your liking. This will also help minimize the spamming of your interactive buttons. Here is a step by step to get the board up and running on Scorpbot. Make sure you've already setup some sounds and / or graphics and also added Scorpbot as a source in OBS.  

  1. Head over to the 'Interactive' tab.
  2. Input the name that you would like displayed on the button.
  3. Enter your desired cooldown time in seconds before the button can be pressed again.
  4. Enter your desired sparks cost per button press.
  5. This is your syntax to activate the command. It must be typed correct in order to work: $sfx(filename). In our example the 'Game Over' file name is entered minus the file extension, which is not needed. Change this accordingly to whatever your filename is.
  6. Ensure that the two checkboxes are ticked.
  7. I recommend clicking the 'Free for Caster' checkbox. This ensures that no sparks are deducted from your total when you press the button. This helps for testing purposes, but is also nice to keep on all the time.
  8. Once all this is set, click the 'Create' button.
  9. A new button will appear based on the size in the options. To modify the size or move the button around, uncheck 'Visible' and click 'Update. Just make sure to make it visible again and update when you are happy with the size and location.

    Rinse and repeat to add additional buttons. If you would like to create a button that displays graphics, head over to the GFX tutorials( under construction). To enable to buttons on stream, click the Connect button. To disable just click the Disconnect button. Make sure you've linked your bot and streamer accounts first otherwise this will not work.  


Scorpbot was the first live streaming bot that I was introduced to when I first started running a capture card/pc stream setup. Scorpbot has held up well with its great user and support base along with its constant updates. Some of the useful built in features as of v 1.1.90 include:

  • -built in chat monitoring (Twitch/Mixer/Discord)
  • -Useful dashboard tab which allows you to update game info and lists your sessions followers, hosts, subs, raiders.
  • -Autohosting functionality
  • -Viewer list database
  • -Giveaway functionality
  • -Currency
  • -Custom Commands
  • -Chat Games
  • -Quotes
  • -Built-In Interactive Board
Scorpbot to OBS

Adding Scorpbot As An Overlay In OBS

In order for your Scorpbot graphics to display in OBS and finally output to your stream, you need to add ...

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding Scorpbot Sound FX To Your Live Stream

SCORPBOT SFX VIA COMMAND Scorpbot allows you to add custom sound effects (SFX) and graphics (GFX) to your OBS scenes ...

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding Scorpbot Graphics To Your Live Stream

You can add custom graphics and gif animation (GFX) to Scorpbot. These can also linked to your SFX files. These ...

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding An Interactive Board [Scorpbot]

SCORPBOT SFX VIA INTERACTIVE BOARD An interactive board can be a way to keep viewers occupied and give them more ...

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Scorpbot Alerts And Activity History Overlays

After you've got your web cam, mic, capture card settings down in OBS, you will be up and running with ...





Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding Scorpbot Graphics To Your Live Stream

Scorpbot Alerts Title


You can add custom graphics and gif animation (GFX) to Scorpbot. These can also linked to your SFX files. These can be triggered via custom commands, actions (follows, hosts, etc.), or they can incorporated via the interactive board buttons. Scorpbot needs to be linked to OBS via a window capture source. This will allow the graphics and animations to be displayed in OBS and output to your stream. Ensure that you follow this step first to make sure Scorpbot and OBS are linked properly. Once you finish this step, head back to this section to continue creating your graphics.


  If you haven't yet, head over to the official Scorpbot website, download and install the program.

scorpbot logo  


  1. Open Scorpbot and click the 'GFX' tab
  2. Click the 'Open Media Folder'

scorpbot gfx setup


  1. A Windows Explorer window will pop up. My default path is set to: C:\ScorpBot\Data\Media\. This is where you will drop all your image files via Windows Explorer. Since I access this folder quite often, I created desktop shortcut to this location.
  2. In this example I am using 'GameOverFX' gif file. Whenever you add a new graphic file to Scorpbot, add it to this folder location every time.



  1. Head back to the same Scorpbot 'GFX' tab and click  'Reload'. The clip should now be loaded into Scorpbot.
  2. Click 'Add' to create a new graphic.
  3. 'New1' will appear in the 'Animations' window.
  4. 'New1' will also appear in the 'Animation Settings' in the 'Name' box.

  scorpbot gfx new file

  We will now wrap up the graphic by linking the image and audio file (if any).

  1. Rename the animation to something relevant. In this example, we will call this 'GameOverFX'.
  2. Click the pulldown arrow and pick the appropriate file. In this example we will choose 'GameOverFX.gif'. If you do not see the file, ensure that you placed your file in the correct directory and clicked the 'Reload' button.
  3. The positioning section allows you to precisely locate the graphic on screen. You can plug coordinates directly or if you click the 'Set' button and head to your green screen stream window, you can click and drag the border to your desired position.
  4. The 'Play Sound' section allows you to play a custom sound with your graphic. All of my graphic interactives have sounds associated with them. In this example, my 'Game Over' sound effect is already setup in Scorpbot. If you have not yet completed the 'ADD SOUND FX TO SCORPBOT' tutorial, go check it out and your SFX should then populate in this pull down window.
  5. Click 'Save'
  6. You will notice the 'New1' filename will now update to the name that you set.

  scorpbot gfx setup settings   Repeat these steps to add additional graphics to Scorpbot. Make sure to 'Add' a new animation first or you can risk overwriting a previously saved animation.

You'll notice that I did not go over every setting in this window. Feel free to experiment with these settings to tweak your new animation to your liking. The 'Animation Frames'  Delay setting will change the speed of the gif and the Loop setting will determine how many times the gif is repeated.

The 'Text' setting will allow text to be displayed with the graphic. The box to the right will allow you to change the text color. There are also text variable that you can select from the pulldown menu as well as text outline and offset commands.

TESTING YOUR NEWLY CREATED GRAPHICS AND GIFS After creating your GFX, I would test these out to see if they are working in OBS. The good thing is you do not have to be live streaming to test them. Just ensure the following:

  Then simply hit the 'Test' button in the Scorpbot 'GFX' tab and it should all work out.  

Scorpbot Alerts Title

Adding Scorpbot Sound FX To Your Live Stream

Scorpbot Alerts Title


SCORPBOT SFX VIA COMMAND Scorpbot allows you to add custom sound effects (SFX) and graphics (GFX) to your OBS scenes. These can be triggered via custom commands, actions (follows, hosts, etc.), or they can be incorporated via the built in interactive board.

  1. Open Scorpbot and click the 'Audio' tab
  2. Click the 'SFX' sub tab
  3. Click the 'Open Folder'

scorpbot sound effects



  1. A Windows Explorer window will pop up. My default path is set to: C:\ScorpBot\SFX. This is where you will drop your audio file via Windows Explorer.
  2. In this example I am using a 'Game Over.mp3' sound clip.


scorpbot windows file location  



  1. Head back to the same 'SFX' Scorpbot tab and 'Reload'. The clip should now appear on your page.
  2. Set the 'User Delay'. This will be the cooldown before the command can be used again. This is very important to do this to prevent spamming the command.
  3. Adjust your 'Default cost'. This will apply all around to all your SFX commands unless you specify a 'Cost' further below.
  4. Give the command a name. I would include the '!' as the command will have to be typed verbatim.
  5. Click 'Save' to save the information to Scorpbot. Rinse and repeat to add additional SFX.

Don't forget to make sure you have the boxes checked to enable the SFX commands. In my example, the command to type in chat is '!over' and it will trigger the sound 'Game Over.mp3. It has a user delay of 5 minutes and will cost each user 25 sparks each time.

scorpbot sound effects settings


Scorpbot to OBS

Adding Scorpbot As An Overlay In OBS

Scorpbot to OBS


In order for your Scorpbot graphics to display in OBS and finally output to your stream, you need to add Scorpbot as a source within OBS. It only take a few steps to get this setup and you should only have to do this once.

  1. In Scorpbot, head over to the 'GFX' tab
  2. Match your window size to your streaming resolution. In my case, this is 720p.
  3. Its a good idea to click the 'Show window on startup' check box so you graphics are always ready to go.
  4. Click the 'Open Stream Window' button and a new window will open up.


  This is your virtual green screen that you just setup. This is your pallet that you will use to place and locate your graphics on your screen. Keep in mind that this must always be open and not minimized in order to work. oooh green screen  

  For this next step we are basically linking this Scorpbot  green screen window in OBS. We will then key out the green background similar to how a green screen works to remove the background in your webcam. Once this window is linked, every time a Scorpbot graphic is triggered, it will then display in OBS which then outputs to your stream. Good to go!  Leave Scorpbot and the green screen window and not minimized. Open OBS.

  1. Select your Scene that you want to display the graphics. Or create one if you have yet to set this up. In my example, I am picking my sample - Xbox scene.
  2. Under the 'Sources' column, click the '+' sign to add a new source.
  3. Select 'Window Capture' from the list.




  1. Give this source a name. In this example we will name it 'Scorpbot Interactives'.
  2. Click 'OK'



  1. A new properties window will now pop up and there will be a pull down window that lists all your current Windows windows. As long as you didnt minimize the Scorpbot windows, you will see '[Scorpbot.exe]: Scorpbot - Stream Window' as an option. Select this window.
  2. Uncheck 'CaptureCursor'
  3. Click 'OK'
  4. The green screen window will now appear in your scene. It should be set to your window size, but if not, you can adjust it by clicking and grabbing the handles. You may need to shift+click and drag to fine tune the sizing.



  1. Next we will make the green color disappear, leaving us with a transparent background to work with. Right click your new source and go to 'Filters'.



  1. Click the '+' sign in the new 'Filters' window.
  2. Select 'Chrome Key' from the list and give it a name. I am leaving it as the default in this example.
  3. You'll notice the default settings for this Chroma Key will wipe out the green screen background!
  4. Click 'Close' and you should be all set up with linking Scorpbot to OBS.



  1. One last step I recommend is locking the source to prevent any accidental movement. This is setup to fill your entire screen so there is no need to move it. You will be adjusting the graphics placement directly in Scorpbot.



This step only needs to be completed one time as long as you leave it as a source in OBS. Once this is finished, check out these other Scorpbot guides.