Firebot is a fantastic bot that has a robust set of features and it is constantly being updated. It is also developed and maintained by one of Mixers own partners! I'm now using Firebot and Mixer's Dev Lab interactive board for all my sounds and graphics. I also have a few custom commands setup via Firebot. I still use Scorpbot to handle my channel currency, hours, giveaways, chat games, most of my commands. I lfeel like some of the advantages Firebot has over Scorpbot are:

  • A more user friendly interface
  • Custom user grouping features
  • Direct connectivity with Mixer's built in Dev Lab.
  • lots and lots of transitions for your graphics

Firebot does require some additional steps to get linked up with your Mixer page, so make sure to start with that guide!



Firebot Mixer

Linking Firebot With Your Mixer Channel

Lets get Firebot all linked up with Mixer and allow all the required privileges to allow proper functionality.  The first ...

Firebot to OBS

Adding Firebot As An Overlay in OBS

In order for your Firebot images or video files to show up on your live stream, you need to link ...

Firebot Mixer buttons Title

Creating Interactive Buttons For Firebot

Let the fun begin! Now that the hard part is over and you've linked your Firebot and Mixer accounts, you've ...

Firebot Fx Title

Customizing Firebot Buttons: Adding Effects

If you've followed all the other Firebot guides up until this point, you should be ready to go with adding ...





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