Setting up Streamlabs is fairly straight forward. Streamlabs has multiple URLs for the different overlay tools, but the process is similar to add each one. This guide will cover the Alert Box overlay, which gives you audio and visual alerts for follows, subscribers, donations and hosts. Frankly, I believe this is a staple alert that needs to be added to your stream. From a viewer's perspective, its exciting to see your name pop up on stream. It would then be your job, as the streamer, to address the alert and give the viewer their recognition.
Head over to the Streamlabs homepage and click the 'Login to get started button'
Streamlabs gives you the option to login via multiple accounts. This tutorial is for Mixer so we will click the Mixer logo to login. Enter your credentials for your streamer account.
Grant any authorizations that may pop up. This will give Streamlabs all the required permissions it needs to function properly.
You will most likely be taken to the main Dashboard screen. This handy screen lets you see some of your up to date stats. Since we will be setting up the OBS overlays, lets click on Widgets section to open this up.
Your available Widgets will now be listed. As of the writing of this article you should have the following options. Lets start with the basic alerts. Click the 'Alert Box'. This option lets you set alerts for follows, subscriptions, donations and hosts.
Here is the top section of the Alert Box settings. Here you can enable whichever alerts you want active. I use Streamlabs alerts for all four. Next, click the 'Copy' button in the Widget URL section. This is your unique URL that will be pasted into OBS. As the warning below states, do not share this with any other users or sites.
Once copied, lets open up your broadcasting software. In this example, we will be using OBS.
Head over to OBS
- Select your Scene that you want to display the graphics. Or create one if you have yet to set this up. In my example, I am picking my sample - Xbox scene.
- Under the 'Sources' column, click the '+' sign to add a new source.
- Select 'Browser Source' from the list.
- Give this source a name. In this example we will name it 'Streamlabs Alert Box'.
- Click 'OK'
In the properties window:
- Paste the Streamlabs Widget URL that you copied from the Streamlabs website in the previous steps. You can also adjust the width and height of the display as needed. You can also adjust this in real time later.
- Click 'OK'.
You will now have a red outline on screen which represents your newly created Streamlabs alert box overlay. Click and drag one of the red circle handles to adjust the size and proportions. Click and drag inside the box to move its location. It is a good idea to now lock the window so you do not accidentally move the source. Click the lock icon next to your source name. Simply unlock this anytime you want to make any later adjustments.
Now it is time to test out the alerts to make sure everything is functioning correctly. No need to go live, just keep OBS open for now.
Head back to the Streamlabs website. In the Widgets - Alert Box settings, you will have the option to test the four alerts.
Give each one a try and you should see and hear the default alerts in OBS.
All good to go!
Customizing alert graphics, sounds, text, etc.
The default zombie GIF is cool and all, but I would suggest going through your alert box settings and customizing each alert. There is a library of stock GIFs and sounds so you can start there. Or you can also upload your own. I would Also look to creating a brand for yourself and your channel and one good way to start is by standardizing your fonts and color schemes. This will help establish yourself more as a professional streamer vs. someone who is happy with all the default status quo settings.