Lets get Firebot all linked up with Mixer and allow all the required privileges to allow proper functionality.
The first step is download and install the software
A prerequisite for using these bots is you will need two separate Mixer accounts: your main streamer account and your bot account so be sure to have both of these ready to go before setting up Firebot.
In the top right, you will see images which represent your two accounts.
Click the pull down arrow and go to 'Manage logins'
A new window will pop up. Continue logging into both your main streaming account and your newly created bot account.
You will need two different Microsoft accounts for this. Proceed with signing in or creating the accounts.
You will get prompts regarding granting permission to Firebot. You'll notice the main streamer account will have more permissions to grant. Approve all the privilege pop up windows to allow Mixer to talk with Firebot and give you and your bot the rights to operate. Don't worry...you only have to do this once.
After you login and approve the permissions for both accounts, you should see your icons and account names. Great!
Close this window out and click the '+ Add First Board' button.
A new window will pop up. The line of text basically outlines your next steps. Leave this open for now and head to your Mixer page in a web browser of your choice. I'll be using Microsoft Edge in this example.
Setting Up Your First Mixer Interactive Board
Head over to your Mixer channel page and make sure you are logged in as your streaming account and not your bot.
- Click your avatar to the top right to open up your side menu.
- Click on 'Dev Lab' at the bottom of the side menu.
You will be switched over to the Mixer Developer Lab home page. If this is your first time setting this up, you will be greeted with an empty page. I have a few boards that I have up and running, but I'll create a new one for this example.
- Ensure you are on the 'Interactive Projects' tab.
- Click the '+' symbol.
- In the 'Create Project' Window, enter in a name for your board. In this example we will call ours 'test sound board'
- You will be required to assign a game to the project in this field before you can continue. Simply start typing 'other' then select it from the list that pops up.
- Click 'Save' to create your project.
Your project should open up automatically. If not, just select it from your project list by selecting 'Editor'.
- Click the 'Code' tab.
- On this screen you will see a unique code that represents your ID that you will link with Firebot for this soundboard. Keep in mind that you will need to repeat this step if you wish to create different sound boards in the future.
- Click the
(copy) button.
You are all done with Mixer for this initial setup.
Head back to Firebot and you should still have the 'Add New Board' window open. If not, click the button again.
- Control-V or click the
(paste) icon. Your code will be entered into the box.
- Click 'Add Board'
All Set! You've have successfully linked Firebot with Mixer. You should see the name of your default board now in Firebot as well as in the Mixer Developer Lab.
The next step is to begin creating buttons in the Developer Lab, syncing and editing them within Firebot. This is the fun part!